서울대 정치외교학부 외교학전공


Course List

Year Course No. Course Title Professor Location Syllabus
044.007(001) Introduction to International Relations 16-104
044.007(002) Introduction to International Relations 16-215
200.104 Introduction to International Politics 083-305
044.007(001) Introduction to International Relations 16-216
044.007(002) Introduction to International Relations 16-104
200.104 Introduction to International Politics 83-305
L0548.000100 `War and Peace in History 83-505
044.007(001) Introduction to International Relations 16-236
044.007(002) Introduction to International Relations 16-105
200.104 Introduction to International Politics 83-505
216B.211 Introduction to the History of International Relations 16-214
044.007(001) Introduction to International Relations 220-203
044.007(002) Introduction to International Relations 16-226
200.104 Introduction to International Politics 83-505
L0548.000100 War and Peace in History 83-505
L0548.000400 Politics and World Leaders on Film 83-502
Y1 044.007(001) Introduction to International Relations(001) Choi, Jin Baek 16-215
Y1 044.007(002) Introduction to International Relations Kang, Seok Ryul 16-215
Y1 200.104 Introduction to International Politics Jo, Dong-Joon 83-404
1 044.007 (001) Introduction to International Politics(General Edu) 김태진 16-104
1 044.007(002) Introduction to International Politics(General Edu) Taesuh Cha 16-226
1 200.104 Introduction to International Politics(IR major) Young Kwan Yoon 83-305
1 L0548.000400 Politics and World Leaders on Film Okyeon Yi 16-104
2 학년
Second Year Course No. Course Title Professor Location Syllabus
216B.222 America in World Politics 83-501
216B.223 International Political Economy 220-203
216B.214 Chinese Foreign Policy 101-506
216B.211 Introduction to the History of International Relations 101-220
216B.227 Foreign Policy Analysis 101-220
216B.427 Politics and Foreign Policies in Southeast Asia 83-402
216B.429 Guide to International Relations 16-216
216B.209 Diplomatic History of Korea 16-110
216B.219A Introduction to World Area Studies 16-111
216B.221 International Political Thought 16-106
216B.224 Security Studies 16-236
2021.401 Regional Integration in Europe 16-107
216B.214 Chinese Foreign Policy 16-214
216B.223 International Political Economy 16-110
216B.429 Guide to International Relations 83-202
M1321.001000 Topics in Global Leadership 83-202
216B.209 Diplomatic History of Korea 16-104
216B.219A Introduction to World Area Studies 16-105
216B.221 International Political Thought 16-216
216B.222 America in World Politics 101-220
216B.224 Security Studies 16-236
Y2 M1321.001000 Topics in Global Leadership Chun, Chaesung 16-106
Y2 216B.211 Introduction to the History of International Relations Ahn, Doohwan 83-305
Y2 216B.214 Chinese Foreign Policy Chung, Jae Ho 16-111
Y2 216B.226 The Korean Peninsula and Internatioanl Politics Jo, Dong-Joon 16-111
Y2 216B.429 Guide to International Relations Chun, Chaesung 16-106
2 216B.225 Postmodern World Politics Kim, Sang Bae 16-339
2 216B.209 Diplomatic History of Korea Insung Jang 16-104
2 216B.221 International Political Thought Sungwoo Park 16-104
3 학년
Course No. Course Title Professor Location Syllabus
216B.228 International Political Economy of Development and Cooperation 16-105
216B.302 Theory of International Politics 16-236
216B.328A The Global Politics of Information 101-507
216B.337A Korean Political and Diplomatic Thought 16-104
216B.338A Russia in World Politics 83-402
M1321.000200 Contemporary International Political Thought 16-107
216B.326 International Organization 83-404
216B.340 Diplomacy 83-501
216B.343 Environment and World Politics 16-214
M1321.000800(001) Seminar in Global Leadership 16-104
M1321.000800(002) Seminar in Global Leadership 16-105
M1321.000800(003) Seminar in Global Leadership 16-215
216B.302 Theory of International Politics 16-215
216B.328A The Global Politics of Information 83-402
216B.335A Understanding Decision-Making process in US Politics 16-216
216B.337A Korean Political and Diplomatic Thought 16-215
216B.339 Eurasia in World Politics 16-236
216B.342 Comparative Federalism and Federation 16-336
M1321.000800(001) Seminar in Global Leadership 16-339
M1321.000800(002) Seminar in Global Leadership 16-336
M1321.000800(003) Seminar in Global Leadership 16-336
M1321.000900 Understanding the Global Cold War 83-501
M1321.001100 International Relations and International Law 83-404
2021.301 Introduction to European Studies 1 16-215
216B.326 International Organization 16-236
216B.341 Japan in World Politics 16-110
216B.343 Environment and World Politics 16-111
216B.345 Middle East and African Studies 16-110
M1321.000800(001) Seminar in Global Leadership 83-501
M1321.000800(002) Seminar in Global Leadership 16-216
M1321.001200 Europe in World Politics 16-237
Y3 M1321.000200 Contemporary International Political Thought Park, Sungwoo 16-215
Y3 M1321.000800(001) Seminar in Global Leadership(001) Shin, Beom-shik 16-226
Y3 M1321.000800(002) Seminar in Global Leadership(002) Yi, Okyeon 16-336
Y3 216B.302 Theory of International Politics Chun Chaesung 16-107
Y3 216B.337A Korean Political and Diplomatic Thought Choi, Jung-Woon 16-111
Y3 216B.338A Russia in World Politics Shin, Beom-Shik 16-236
3 216B.340 Diplomacy Jae Ho Chung
3 216B.345 Middle East and African Studies 백승훈 16-214
3 216B.336 Korean Foreign Policy 신욱희 16-111
3 M1321.000800 (006) Seminar in Global Leadership Junghwan Lee 16-215
3 216B.341 Japan in World Politics Junghwan Lee 16-236
3 216B.326 International Organization Dong-Joon Jo 16-107
4 학년
Fourth Year Course No. Course Title Professor Location Syllabus
216B.420 Seminar in International Politics 16-110
216B.428 International Thought in East Asia 16-336
216B.225 Postmodern World Politics 16-106
216B.423 International Relations in East Asia 16-236
216B.426A Issues in International Relations 16-111
216B.420 Seminar in International Politics 16-214
216B.427 Politics and Foreign Policies in Southeast Asia 83-201
216B.415 Culture and Ideology in International Relations 16-236
216B.426A Issues in International Relations 16-107
Y4 216B.420 Seminar in International Politics Shin, Beom-Shik 16-111
Y4 216B.427 Politics and Foreign Policies in Southeast Asia Lee, Sunjin 101-240
Y4 216B.428 International Thought in East Asia Jang, In-Sung 16-216
4 216B.415 Culture and Ideology in International Relations(ungrad) 최정운 16-111
4 M1321.000800 Seminar in Global Leadership Sang Bae Kim 16-339
4 M1321.000800 Seminar in Global Leadership Jong Hee Park 16-339
4 216B.420 Seminar in International Politics Jong Hee Park 16-111