How can you participate in Seoul National University’s Model UN?
1. Only the International Relations Majors in their second year can be part of the preparation team that prepares the scripts and various other affairs related to the event, and watch the acting of the acting team backstage on the day of the event. These students will begin selecting the topic and writing the script from summer vacation with the help of the teaching assistant and their seniors.
2. The acting team that will showcase their excellent acting skills on stage will be limited to first year students in the College of Social Sciences. The details of the selection announcement will be issued early September every year through club announcements and lecture hall advertisements. Generally, there are no specific application requirements and students will be selected on a first come first served basis so stay tuned!
3. In the case of students who do not satisfy the above conditions, they are extremely welcome to come by on the day of and enjoy the event. The time, date, and topic of the event will be publicized in event banner and posters around Seoul National University and other universities in Seoul several weeks before the event takes place. We hope that the event proves to be an opportunity where they can experience a side of the complicated international politics and ponder on the various issues at hand.
- To note, the event has usually taken place mid November in Seoul National University Cultural Center Assembly Hall.
4. (In the case of high schoolers!!) The preparation team and the acting team will send announcements of the event several weeks before the event to the Seoul-Kyunggi region foreign language high schools that they have graduated from. Special reservations are not required, and you can come freely after noting the time and date. The report of absence will be provided for. If you have any questions, you can contact the preparation team listed on the public announcement.
5. In case there are those who could not witness model UN in person, it is possible to view the video online. You can watch the video immediately if you search ‘model UN’ in Seoul National University Academic Events VOD website
For any questions or concerns, please contact Seoul National University Model UN website