서울대 정치외교학부 외교학전공


Academic Information

Master’s Program
A. Application Qualification: Those who have completed the Master’s program or have completed at least two semesters (including those who will register), and have taken more than 6 credits are qualified to take the exam.
B. Testing Method:Written Exam

Exams will be conducted on a total of three fields: Theory/ Comparative Politics and Methodology Field (Field 1), Functional Field (Field 2), and Regional Field (Field 3).

Field 1-1 International Political Thought, International Political Theory Fundamental Field/ Required (choose)
Field 2-2 Methodology Fundamental Field/ Common
Field 1-3 Comparative Politics Fundamental Field/ Required (choose)
Field 2-1 History of International Relations, Comparative International Relations History, International Organization Functional Field/ Choose 1
Field 2-2 Military/ Security, Diplomatic Policy
Field 2-3 International Political Economy
Field 2-4 International Culture, Knowledge Information, Environment
Field 3-1 U.S Regional Field/Choose 1
Field 3-2 Japan
Field 3-3 China
Field 3-4 Russia
Field 3-5 Europe
Field 3-6 South Korea


Field 1 consists of Methodology and Theory. Methodology is required, and in the case of Theory, the student can select one between International Political Theory and Comparative Political Theory.


Examination question is based on relevant lecture content and required readings.

C. Evaluation

The student passes when he or she receives at least 60 points for each of the three fields.

Doctorate Program
A. Qualifications: Those who have completed the Doctorate program (or expects to complete it) and have more completed more than 48 credits qualify to take the Major examination. .
B. Testing Method:Written Exam
1) Ad hoc committee consisting of 3-5 professors will conduct major written examination and oral examination.
2) Take-home examinations will be conducted in the three fields including the Theory and Methodology Field, First Major, Second Major, etc.
3) Oral examination will be conducted depending on the results of the take-home examination.
4) The evaluation results of the ad hoc committee will be confirmed at the faculty meeting.
C. Evaluation

The student passes when he or she has a total of 70 points when major written examination and oral examination scores are combined.